Describe the setting and characters in your book which prove that your book is a fantasy.
5/6/2012 10:31:33 pm

I know that The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is a fantasy novel because, although it isn't a love story it has the heros(Lucy, Susan,Peter and Edmund) and the vilian(the white witch) that they have to defeat. The heros are helped by a mentor(Aslan) and their quest is successful. It also has alot of magic in it. The book is about them going into a magical world through a wardrobe where animals talk, how could it not be?

5/6/2012 10:41:27 pm

I like how you described each of the characters' positions and how you said it was not a love story. I think that was a great idea!:)

5/7/2012 10:14:10 pm

Thanks Parker I liked yours to. You gave a summary of the book as well as to describing why it was fantasy. :)

5/23/2012 11:25:54 pm

Can you tell me a little more about the setting. Describe it using specific details from the text.

5/28/2012 02:41:47 am

After the protagonists go through the wardrobe they end up in a world full of snow and forests. They end up in Narnia. When they first get there, it is always winter there. After they've been there for a bit though it starts to look like spring and the forests are full of alot of birds and different animals whereas before, all the narnians were hiding in their homes and it was very quiet. After the protagonists are there however, Narnia is full of life and very beautiful.

5/6/2012 10:34:30 pm

book name: Lord Loss
Author: Darren Shan

the genre of book i am reading is a mix of horror and fantasy, it's the best book ive ever read yet, i hope to find more books like this because it brings my interest in reading up more, there is always something funny, or scary going on in it. the book is about a boy named Grubbs Grady, and his parents are killed demons, but the police and everybody doesnt believe him and so he goes to a mental instatution and when he gets out he moves in with his uncle dervish, and his uncle dervish knows about these demons already so he is going to teach grubbs how to use magic and spells.

5/23/2012 11:29:08 pm

I am glad that you found a book you enjoy and like how you stated that this book is a great book and you want to find more like it. Can you tell me a little more about the setting? Where does the story take place? Is it a "normal" setting like we live in or is it in a magical world?

6/6/2012 11:41:01 pm

it takes place mostly in like this hell world where lord loss lives but he lives in a normal world where he has no powers or anything special about him, but he always sees lights pulsing and flashing in front of him and those are how he opens portal doors to the hell world

5/6/2012 10:35:42 pm

Title: The Alchemyst
Author: Michael Scott

my book is fantasy because its about too thousnd year old wizards who train these two twins that are spoken of in a prophecy to become the twins of legend.

The Best Kid in Town
5/6/2012 10:51:56 pm

What are the characters names, who are the wizards, where does it all take place, how does one live to be "too" thousand years old, and what are the twins of legend, and if there are twins of legen who where spoken of in a prophecy, who told that prophecy and how does he know it will come true?

5/6/2012 10:53:11 pm

you already know, you've already read it

Peter isnt as good as me
5/7/2012 10:19:39 pm

No i dont i am a different person than the best kid in town named brandon klassen, i stole his identity

5/23/2012 11:30:02 pm

Tell me some more about your characters. Describe them to me and tell me their roles in the story.

6/6/2012 11:42:03 pm

the name of the wizards are Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, they are both immortal thanks to a potion, they have been looking for the twins for centuries and now they finally found them, but must first awaken their powers and only a god can do that, than train them in the elemental magics of: water, earth, fire and air

5/6/2012 10:38:44 pm

The Magican {The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel}
Nicholas Flamel and Pernelle Flamel are two people from France who supposedly died in 1418. However, they have possesion of a magical book called The Book of Abraham the Mage, and they know the recipe for the Elixer of Eternal Life. Their magical potential is awakened and they can do magic by controlling their auras. In the last book, they lived in modern day San Fransisco and met Josh and Sophie, two powerful twins with gold and silver auras. Sophie's powers are newly awakened and they travelled through a leygate to Paris France, which is like a magical teleporter that can connect places. Also with them is a 2000 year old girl named Scatach, also called The Warrior. Being that she and Nicholas and Flamel are immortal prove that this book is a fantasy and come from true imagination. However, some truth is in this book because Nicholas and Pernelle were real people, as well as Dr. John Dee. Dee is a necromancer that is the Flamel's, and now Josh and Sophie's, enemy. He too has magical powers and is trying to get the Book of Abraham the Mage so he can bring back the Dark Elders, who are gods and goddesses from myths from cultures such as Greek/Roman, Egyptian, and Celtic, who now live on Earth after the pre-human fall of their Danu-Tallis home, which is a theory similar to Altantis. Again, the thought of immortals, gods and godesses, monsters, and magic powers from the book is a fantasy, and a fiction.

5/7/2012 10:28:23 pm

What are auras?

6/6/2012 11:26:41 pm

Auras are the magical field that surrounds all people. When magical potential is awakened, you can channel your aura's powers to do magic. They come in all colours, and when visible, it looks like the ghostly light that surrounds neon signs. Josh and Sophie have the most powerful auras, gold and silver.
Thanks for asking Rachel, I hope you understand now!!!

The Best Kid in Town
5/6/2012 10:44:01 pm

You know The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel series is fantasy because there are character in the series like Promethus, Mars Ultor, and Isis and Osiris. Promethus was worshipped as a Greek God and in legend it says he stole fire from the Gods, and gave it to mankind. Mars Ultor is better known as Ares in Greek mythology as the God of War. And Isis and Osiris are Egyptian Gods. Osiris was killed and made lord of The Underworld and his wife Isis was a Godess of rainbows.
In this series, it talks about people called Elders and how they once ruled the Earth and were granted great magical powers that they controlled with their auras: a field of energy outside your body (the purer the colour, the stronger the aura). One time when their homeland of Danu Talis or (Atlantis) sank back to the ocean. Destroyed by a pair of twins with amazingly pure auras. Gold and Silver. Through this the first of mankind was created since it forced the Elders to move across the world. These Elders situated themselves in the world of man and for their amazing aura's and magic, where worshipped as gods. Some Elders never accepted that their time was over and have been secretly planning to kill the humani (humans) and reclaim the Earth for themselves. When the Elders withdrew and left man to evolve and grow people eventually forgot about magic.
Now in the 21st century another pair of Gold and Sliver twins have appeared. They where Prophecised about ten thousand years before by a person called Abraham the Mage, who could see the floating strands of time. It is said that one has the power to save the world, and one to destroy it. People who still remember magic have been rebelling against the Dark Elders for years, many of them finding ways to be made immortal. Nicholas Flamel is the Guardian of The Codex; a small book containing unimaginable power and spells. When the twins meet the Immortal and his wife, who have been searching for years for the twins of legend, they are forcded to go on a perilous quest, to Awaken the twins magical powers, and finally strike a blow against the Dark Elders, in a war that has been raging for Millenia.
The books take you to all different places like Paris, London, Ojai, and even to the past into the Pleistonce Era.

The Best Kid in Town
5/6/2012 10:53:27 pm

I can't forget the Dark Elder's Immortal agent, Doctor John Dee, who is constantly trying to steal the Codex and bring the Elders back into this world

5/7/2012 10:24:51 pm

Wow. Great summary. Great job describing how the book was a fantasy. One suggestion is to shorten your answers a bit and stick with the main points, because it isn't supposed to be really long. Although, I can't argue TOO much being mine is a bit beyond the limit too.

PS: Are you Brandon?

brandons not a man
5/7/2012 10:31:25 pm

no its not

The Best Kid in Town
6/6/2012 11:37:25 pm

no no i is not brandon

5/23/2012 11:34:14 pm

You have written a clear description and provided many details. You definately make people want to read your book.

The Best Kid In Town
5/28/2012 02:07:50 am

Yes Parkman I am Brandon and I am more a man than Damein will ever be and thank you Mrs Kreller

5/7/2012 10:34:39 pm

i really like the lost hero and i hope to find more fantasy book that catch my intrest, the lost hero is about a boy named jason that wakes up on a bus holding hands with a girl named piper and he can remember anything about hes life he can not remember his own name one of the gods has stolen his memorey and he has to free her from prison if he wants to get his memory back

5/23/2012 11:37:33 pm

I am glad that you like your book. It is great to see you reading! Who are some of the gods in your book? Where does the story take place?

5/7/2012 10:43:41 pm

Subtile knife,
I know the genre of my book is fantasy because a boy named Will Parry accidently kills a man. He was on the run from the police only to find a invisible window to lead him to a whole nother world. With not one person in sight, until he finds a 12 year old girl named lyra and her daemon. Lyra pushes Will that he has a daemon inside him. Which a daemon is a demon. lyra is from a whole nother world. Mean while they have a problem with a whitch that has been after Lord Asriel the creator of the new world and just found out is Lyra's Dad.

5/23/2012 11:39:55 pm

What does this whole other world look like?

5/28/2012 02:26:48 am

well its was abondone until will found lyra but its like a beach town and all the shops and cafes line up on the shore line it kind of reminds me of when i went to st marteen on my cruise. but its seems nice and well kept.

The Best Kid In Townhat
5/28/2012 02:15:15 am

In the Book Josh and Sophie travel all over, from the sunny, golden city of San Fransisco, to the town of Ojai full of nature and beautifull scenery. They travel to artificial worlds called ShadowRealms, that are created purely from an Elder's imagination. They do this by stealing cars, evading the Next Generation of Elders, and going through Ley Gates, wich are multiple lines of power that connect and can instantaniusly travel from place to place.

brandon is the worst kid in town (misener)
5/28/2012 02:30:21 am

sooo... brandon what is this beautiful scenery like and how do they travel place to place brandon.

Misener Sucks Alot ( MIsener
5/28/2012 02:35:22 am

dont answer my questions i see now that u were right and answered all my questions in ur first response, now please come and get every one to tell me i suck

6/6/2012 11:29:52 pm

I don't mean to be rude, but can we please all stop with the BEST KID IN TOWN and MISENER SUCKS and stuff because it really confuses me. What I am suggesting is that we stick to our normal names or nicknames that are easier to dechiper. Thank you for your understanding!

6/6/2012 11:31:12 pm

PS: Isn't that a form a cyber-bullying?

The Best Kid In Town
6/17/2012 11:49:17 pm

Dear parkman no my nickname is The Best Kid in Town and how am i bullying anyone by making my nickname the best kid in town? so i will keep my nickname.

brandon is a girl
6/17/2012 11:51:07 pm

who cares?

Peter Braun likes men
6/17/2012 11:53:56 pm

stop making offensive names to the best kid in town

The Best Kid In Town
6/17/2012 11:52:03 pm

Yes I would Reccomend this book and series to anyone who enjoys a good fantasy book or anyone who is interested in mythology

brandon is a girl
6/18/2012 12:00:42 am

u wish, cuz than ud think ud have a chance, but u nvr will


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